The Odder Side Talk with MOM-TO-BE Wiep Boers
What is the synonym of motherhood? Love from A to Z. Unconditional, warm, infinite. To celebrate the upcoming Mother's Day in the Netherlands, we met up with our friend Wiep Boers, who is about to become a mum herself. We talked about pregnancy, anticipation, her mom and advice to mums-to-be.
First of all, how do you feel? 🙂
WB: Overall, I feel very good but I am starting to notice that these are the last weeks of my pregnancy. Sleep has a lot of impact on how I feel the day after and it varies per night but luckily apart from that I have little to complain about how things are going at the moment but I still have some weeks to go.
How did you go through the early months of your pregnancy?
WB: I did find it really tough mainly because I was nauseous a lot which included throwing up (not extremely fortunately), I was extremely tired (really unprecedented) and in terms of food I really only felt like eating sweets. When I looked at vegetables for example, I got nauseous again haha. In addition, these were also the busiest weeks with work, but I slept a lot when I could and took it easy during that period. Also, I told my manager about the situation and she was very happy for me and understanding, which helped a lot. Then fortunately, after about 16 weeks I slowly got better and my energy started to return.
What surprised you? What did you not expect and how did you deal with it?
WB: Everything actually, I was so surprised at how little you learn about pregnancies and growing a baby. I learned this all during my own pregnancy. Your body endures so much change and of course it is also different for each woman, so the ailments I experienced others may not for example. To deal with it, I have read some blogs that I found interesting and mostly listened to podcasts. Now before giving birth I prepare myself with a course but some things I just let happen, I don't want to know everything in detail.
Did you find a ritual in your pregnancy? Something that relaxed you?
WB: In the beginning, I still didn't really know when something was too much for my body so now that I do know, I try to listen to my body more. In addition to that, I try to exercise every day and that is often one or more short walks per day. I used to workout 3-5 times a week at least, but I really feel less need for it now and I accept that. I also try to pamper myself by getting massages, use pregnancy oils, taking a warm bath and enjoy the daily massages of my boyfriend every night! <3
What advice from your mother would you like to pass on to your child?
WB: My mother finds it important that I am and remain myself and do not pretend to be different for someone else and I definitely want to give that to my little girl as well.
What is your mother like?
WB: My mom is the sweetest and most sincere woman I know, and I am not exaggerating. Sometimes I wonder how she can always be so sweet, but that is her character and I would love to have a bit extra of that haha. She is always there for her loved ones, will never whine about it, always looks where she can help, she always responds kindly to people and she is also very easy going. I am absolutely not, I really have a mind of my own. But my mom actually always thinks everything is nice and fun so that is great in combination with my own will haha.
A favorite childhood memory?
WB: All the holidays with my family, playing outside with my brother and him always wearing my clothes and I would wear my mums. So cute!
What would be your advice to mums-to-be?
WB: Listen to your body, you are going through so many changes and it is different for every woman. As hard as it can be to accept that your body is changing and that you can't do everything as easily as before (I found this especially hard), try to accept it. Because how special and beautiful is it that you get to carry a baby in your belly that is yours and your partner's? Oh and make sure to take some great maternity pictures because it's so valuable to have them for later, you'll not regret it!
We can't wait to meet Wiep's daughter and wish her and all the mums in the world all the best!
Wiep Boers is an influencer and relationship manager for the kapten & son brand. She is a friend of our brand and has supported us since the very beginning of the boutique in Amsterdam.
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